Whilst my brother went on to gain a good degree from Oxford I limited my higher education preferring to get into full-time employment as quickly as possible. 哥哥从牛津大学(Oxford)拿到了不错的学位,我却宁愿少接受点高等教育,以便尽快开始全职工作。
Those who feel India is a big market never think about whether the citizens have purchasing power or not, he said. It is our collective responsibility to work together so that the poorest of the poor get employment and our growth trajectory will move ahead. 那些认为印度是一个巨大市场的人们从未想过印度公民是否具有购买力,他表示,联合起来让穷人中的最穷人群获得就业,能够延续我们的增长曲线,这是我们的共同责任。
We even get employment insurance. 我们还在保险公司谋得职位了呢。
Get the employment files and, if you can, interview people privately to find out what they are going to be like as employees. 把工作档案拿过来,如果可以,私下与员工谈话,了解他们身为员工的要求。
This is the first time I've tried to get work through an employment agency. 这是我第一次尝试通过职业介绍所找工作。
If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until employment is found. 在利比亚,大学毕业没有工作,政府将付该专业平均工资给你,直到你有工作。
To create the 12m jobs to get back to full employment for both the unemployed and new entries into the labour force, when job losses have not even come to an end, seems almost impossible. 若要恢复充分就业,让失业者和新增劳动力都有工作,就需创造1200万个就业岗位。在就业岗位流失尚未结束之时,这似乎是一项不可能完成的任务。
Govt helps college graduates get employment. 政府致力帮助大学毕业生就业。
Career planning can help female university students develop themselves and promote them to success; it also can help them get over employment difficulty. 摘要在校女大学生制定职业生涯规划有助于开发潜能、自我成长,有助于增强自我发展、提升成功的机会,有助于解决就业难题。
In that case, the Fed would not need so much jobs growth to get back to full employment, forcing it to raise interest rates sooner than it expects. 在这种情况下,美联储不需要那么高的就业人数增长数字就能实现完全就业,从而迫使它早于预期提高利率。
Discuss on how to get information of employment for higher vocational students 试论高职学生就业信息获取能力的培养
Many college grads are not able to get employment because of their poor attitudes and relationship skills. 」多名牌大学毕业生找不到工作,是因为他们态度欠佳,不懂处世待人之道。
Perhaps at the desk I can get an employment. 也许我能到柜台拿求职申请表。
The employee should provide the "Foreigner Employment Certificate", get from entry-exit employment administration section of Heilongjiang work and society protection department; 就业人员须提供《外国人就业证》,在黑龙江省劳动和社会保障厅出入境就业管理处办理;
Then he endeavored to get employment as a hackney writer, to copy for the stationers and lawyers about the Temple, but could find no vacancy. 以后他就设法寻找作家助手的工作,替出版商或是法学院的律师们抄写,但是这方面他也找不到空缺。
The appearance of knowledge economy will give rise to deep change a series of value sense, distribution theory, economic structure, social get employment, government policy, management science, civilization education, way of life, etc. 知识经济的出现将引起社会价值观念、分配理论、经济结构、社会就业、政府政策、管理科学、文化教育、生活方式等一系列的深刻变革。
There is a positive relation exists among high or low of labour get employment rate and real economic growth rate, however, the inner relations between the raise of labour productivity and get employment is too complicated. 劳动就业率的高低与实际经济增长率之间存在着正相关关系,但劳动生产率的提高与就业之间的内在关系是很复杂的。
The current work for helping graduates from higher vocational& technological colleges get employment is facing an increasingly serious situation that staff members are not in high quality, services are not offered timely, mechanisms are not perfect enough, means are backward, and so on. 目前高职高专毕业生就业工作面临着越来越严峻的形势,存在着队伍素质不高,服务不到位,机制不够完善,手段落后等方面的现状,面临着各种各样的挑战。
There are many problems for graduates to get employment smoothly. All these have been paid attention to by the whole society. 地方高校毕业生就业工作普遍存在着学生就业心态复杂、择业过于盲目、就业渠道不畅通等突出问题,已引起全社会的关注。
The Pressure and New Outlet of Collegian's Get Employment in China 我国大学生的就业压力与新出路
The training for rural migrant labor force is the guided and vocational training for rural labor force that want to get employment in Non-Agricultural or town. 农村劳动力转移培训是指对拟向非农产业和城镇转移就业的农村劳动力所开展的引导性培训和职业技能培训。
The flexible employment has the huge ability to absorb employment, becomes an important channel that absorbs new added labor force, the important channel that the unemployed workers get employment and a choice that university students get employment more and more. 灵活就业具有巨大的就业吸纳能力,越来越成为吸纳新增劳动力的重要渠道、下岗失业人员就业的主要渠道和大学生就业方式的一种选择。
There are four doctrines in theory whether the victims should get both employment injury insurance and tort compensation or not. 对于工伤保险与侵权损害赔偿能否兼得,理论上存在四种学说。
On the basis of this, this paper established a system index for monitoring employment of university graduate, and used the AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to get the employment situation index which can demonstrate the employment status. 在此基础上,构建出一套高校毕业生就业状况监测指标体系,并运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法得到高校毕业生就业状况结果评估指数,用来表征高校毕业生就业状况。
The extraneous factor is inevitable. What college entrance examinees who are about to enter university can do is how to improve own quality. Improving own quality can help college entrance examinees get an employment opportunity in the stern market in future. 外界因素不可避免,即将进入大学的高考生能做的是如何提高自身素质,使自己在严峻的市场中获得就业机会。
At the same time, the graduates should put parents into long-effect mechanism of employment and well utilize the family connection and resources to get employment. 同时,重视家庭作用,将家长纳入到就业长效机制中,利用家庭的人脉关系和社会资源为毕业生提供宽泛的就业选择。
In the course of employment of peasant workers at home, due to blood or the relationship between genetic and geographical nature, it makes peasant workers returning home to use such a network of relationships as their blood, genetic and geographical relationships regularly to get employment. 在返乡农民工就业过程中,因重视血缘、亲缘和地缘关系的天性,使得返乡农民工就业时会经常性的运用自己的血缘、亲缘和地缘等微观社会资本。
Through the open questionnaire distribution, recovery and statistics to get seven dimensions of employment ability: cognitive learning, teamwork, environmental adaptability, self-management skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills and self-awareness. 通过开放性问卷的发放、回收与统计得到就业能力的七个维度:学习认知能力、团队合作能力、环境适应能力、自我管理能力、解决问题的能力、沟通能力和自我意识。
As the information construction of Labor Security Department is not able to meet the requirements of its business development, namely, units as well as individuals even can not easily to get related employment and insurance information online, let alone the access to convenient online service. 当前劳动保障信息化建设与其事业发展新的要求还有很大的差距,单位和个人很难从网上直接获取到自身的就业和社会保险信息,更何况方便的办理业务。